Optimize Web Performance
If you are small company making use of already available design and hosting websites such as WordPress, you will not have to worry regarding hardware, software and techniques to optimize website since the vendor will provide this expertise. On the contrary, in case you are building your e-commerce website inhouse, then you will have to consider these issues.
The major aim of website is to deliver content to customers and to complete
transactions. From a commerce view the website will become more effective when
these two aims are achieved.
If you are marketing executive or a manager, then you will want the site to function
in such a way that it fulfills customer’s needs. You will need to ensure that for
achieving this business aims your websites need to be optimized.
Website performance optimization is more complex than it appears to be and it
includes three elements which are page content, page generation and page delivery.
Selection of Hardware and Software are also one of the major element in
optimization of website.
Usage of proper techniques and style for designing page and content can decrease
the response time by up to five seconds. Reducing unnecessary white spaces and
HTML comments, using efficient graphics and avoiding not so required links to
other web pages in website, these are few steps needs to taken in order to optimize
performance of your website.
Speed of page generation can be upgraded by assigning separate server to execute
particular function, and making use of different devices from vendor to speed up
these servers.
Using a single server or multiple servers to execute number of jobs
decreases throughput by more than 50 %. Page delivery speed can be increased by
either increasing local bandwidth or by using special content delivery networks.
Choosing Software
- Simple Vs Multi-Tiered Website Architecture
- Dynamic Page Generation Tools
- E-Commerce Merchant Server Software Functionality
- Choosing an E-Commerce Software Platform
In addition to telecommunications, hardware and software add up to the infrastructure of an e-commerce website. As a manager responsible for creating e-commerce website, you will need to have basic information about both, hardware and software.
Choosing Hardware
Regardless of whether you outsource hosting and operation or you host your own website, you should know some aspects of computing hardware platform.
The hardware platform means that all the basic computing component which the system utilizes to accomplish its e-commerce features. Your aim is to have sufficient platform capacity to handle peak demand, but not in that much excess that you waste money. In case fails to match peak demand, then that means your website is actually crashing or is slow.
It is required to have knowledge about the aspects which have effect on capacity, speed and scalability of an e-commerce website.