About As


My name is S Johnson. It is my Website(3Boat). I am from India. In this memo, I am going to tell you little bit about my interests, achievements and my goals. My everyday activities included going to college, playing football and using mobile at the night time.


I like playing Chess and Football. I always enjoyed reading, writing and playing. My parents dream for me to become a Doctor or an Engineer.

I decided to become a Software Engineer because I have always been fascinated by looking at Software applications and Technology.

A degree in software Engineering enables me to achieve my goals and also gives me an opportunity to make a difference in the community.


        I have achieved many different goals in life. Some of my achievements are bigger than the others, which has given me greater satisfaction. The top five achievements that gave me the greatest personal satisfaction includes:

1. Being I will complete my B.TECH degree
2. Getting my first job
3. Going to college
4. Learning English language
5. Getting my driver's license

My achievements have helped me to get ahead in life.


      I hope to get better at technical communication this term. Five years from now, I want to become a project manager of a construction project, and technical communication is one of the most important skills that a project manager should have. As a project manager, my primary goals are managing people, set budgets, and making decisions of all kinds. 

"Thank You"

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